Main Educational Activities and Research Projects of the UNESCO Chair
The International PhD Programme "Environment, Resources and Sustainable Development" is designed to train future leaders in the field of environmental science and sustainable development. The programme is broad-based and focuses on different levels of investigation, from molecules to ecosystems, while encouraging an interdisciplinary and systems-based approach to science and problem solving.
The double degree Master Programme in "Biology for Sustainability" and "Global Change Biology" is organized in collaboration between Parthenope University of Naples (Italy) and Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun (Poland).
Online Master Programme in
"Sustainability Manager for the Ecological Transition"
"Sustainability Manager for the Ecological Transition"
Online Master Programme in
"Natural Capital, Ecosystem Services, and Environmental Accounting"
"Natural Capital, Ecosystem Services, and Environmental Accounting"
Online Master Programme in
"Public Administration Project Manager. Interdisciplinary tools for the sustainable development of local authorities"
"Public Administration Project Manager. Interdisciplinary tools for the sustainable development of local authorities"
International Research Project
"Marine Protected Areas Overall Success Evaluation (MOSE)"
"Marine Protected Areas Overall Success Evaluation (MOSE)"